Prep time: 10 minutes
A delicious and hearty chutney that I put together today. I used it as a sandwich spread for a quick and healthy lunch. It is also perfect to be used like a dip for your snacks! It's healthy and versatile - Green peas flavoured with ginger, coriander and pine nuts. Lots of vitamins and antioxidants coming your way with this chutney :)
Green Peas: I cup – Frozen or fresh
Ginger – ½ inch piece, peeled and chopped
Fresh coriander leaves – 10-12 leaves
Lemon juice – 1 tsp
Green chili – 1 (optional)
Roasted Pine nuts – 10 to 12
Salt to taste
Boil the green peas until cooked. The boiling time depends on wether you use fresh or frozen ones. I used frozen ones and boiled them for about 5-7 minutes. Drain the water and lay the peas on kitchen paper to drain the excess water. Now add the peas along with the other ingredients into a food processor and blend until you get a paste. You can add a splash of water if the mixture is dry. The texture of this chutney is best if left a bit a coarse and too pasty.
Voila! It's now ready to use as a sandwich spread or just as a dip with poppadum’s or samosas!